Thanks for trying to keep the peace Jeff, it is appreciated.
I know who originally posted it here, but she is not a member of SVTP and the grammar in the SVTP post would indicate our teacher did not post over on SVTP.
She did not film or host the video. She linked it here after she found it on a local fbody site. She didn't mean any harm. She has a split liking of both fbodys and Mustangs.
This started on the fbody site. Not HPS.
2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
Burning Corn
9.97 - 135.5
it was removed from here very promptly, kudos on that.
and i saw it first on azss. not sure on the other boards though.
The link came from AZFBA. It was posted there by the owner of the camaro he was running. Yes, I am at fault for the AZSS one, however I didn't know it would cause such drama over a video. I have sent a PM to Dan, explaining my intentions and my understanding when I did what I did, as well as apologizing for my ignorance. I have learned from my mistake and I have learned why it came over in such a way. However, I have not posted it on any other sites. The other sites were in no way linked to me.
Who really gives a ****, let people think and say what they want. Talking shit about a member on a board that you support is pretty low class. But concidering who its coming from its no surprise. If you stopped posting here Im sure a couple of you little nut swingers would care but the mass majority could care less. You start talking shit on every board you get on and wine and talk shit like a little baby. Get some class and maybe people would give a **** about your car or you shitty shop. I dont know if I should call you Dan or Tom Thompson Jr. Have a nice day and watch out for those destructive ps hoses.LOL
Your very first you decide to attack someone, cool. Plus you don't even have the balls to say who you are. If you have a problem with the shop let me know I would like to hear about it, and see what can be done to correct the problem. If you just want to attack Dan then stop by the shop and handle it in person like a man. Don't just hide behind your computer and throw stones. As far as calling Performance Solutions a "shitty shop" you are offending me and everyone there, thats not something you want to do! Think before you speak.
Ok I was going to delete the post, but Shane has control.
2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
Burning Corn
9.97 - 135.5
wow, some big balls to create a new user name to talk shit. i love it. must be nice to hide behind your computer monitor.![]()