i love this thread!!! my babies are just that, my babies.. i have 3 kittahs... tomcat 6yrs old, kikiand daisy..a friend gave them to me to save them, and my shepard..chevy. since i have no kids,, they are my kids and i always hate it when someone says its just a cat or its just a dog. chevy has her own room on the back porch, that is where she stays when it is cold or rainy.. she is spoiled rotten!!!
my tomcat is my big baby... and he was my cat till scottie came along, now he ignores me and he loves his daddy... i love my kids!!
To Rockys Mom,
Did you recognise any of the cars on the CD I gave you from the Firebird dragway night?
Odie is a cool pooch!
How is nutless doing?
2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
Burning Corn
9.97 - 135.5