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Thread: Yay or Nay on this Build up?

  1. #1
    Senior Member OH3MGSVT's Avatar
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    Yay or Nay on this Build up?

    Well yet again I have changed my mind on what to do with my car, lol. Ive been researching the H/C/I combo with the 2v's and have seen some decent times/power with them. I did some research and came up with these for a build up for my car.

    Fox Lake Stage 2 Heads
    VT Stage 2 N/A Cams
    Fox Lake P-51 Intake Manifold
    Bassani O/R X Pipe
    Mac Pro Dumps 2 1/2 inch.
    Ford Racing 4.10 Gears
    Jlt Ram Air Intake
    302 Stroker Kit *If money allows*
    then possibly in the future put on a supecharger

    the above H/C/I combo and bolt ons plus..

    Higher Compression pistons (like 10.5:1 or 11:1)
    TNT Nitrous Kit (125 Shot)
    302 Big Bore

    from what Ive read, the H/C/I combo and bolt-ons on the 2v yeilds about 300hp to the wheels more or less and 1/4 miles times of mid 12's. Honestly that would be good enough for me, but does it sound like a good Idea?

  2. #2
    Senior Member vicious781's Avatar
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    As far as money goes? I don't think that would be the best route. Personally if I were going to stick with a 2v, I would either buy a built block, or buy a used explorer engine since they are all aluminum and build it out of the car which would save some money. Rebuild it forged then get a shot of nitrous if you want to save money or a supercharger. Like I said though, I would do the math $ of built long blocks vs rebuild and see which one is more bang for buck.

  3. #3
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Save money and buy cobra.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Indy's Avatar
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    Do what ever will make you happy, thats all that really matters in the end.

    Most of the combo looks good, but I'ld stay away from that intake. JMHO

  5. #5
    Senior Member OH3MGSVT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by INDY View Post
    Do what ever will make you happy, thats all that really matters in the end.

    Most of the combo looks good, but I'ld stay away from that intake. JMHO
    I appreciate it Shane, you always have something positive and uplifiting to say that makes me feel better lol. I just dont want to do what everyone does and slap a blower and call it a day, i tend to like to be different. but im curious why stay away from that intake? I heard nothing but good things from other 2v owners and saw good power gains, but I also heard that its not good because it doesnt evenly distribute the air and makes 4 cylinders rich and 4 lean. if thats the case, which intake would be beneficial? the new trick flow one?

  6. #6
    Senior Member Indy's Avatar
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    I've put that intake on a few GT's in the past, and I wasn't impressed with it. They didn't add that much power over the baseline of the stock intake, even after retuning the car for P-51. I would expect alot more power, for the price of those intakes. In an N/A set up you might not have as big of a problem with it leaning out a couple cylinders, but with a blown motor its a huge problem IMHO.

  7. #7
    Senior Member BLK03SVT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BurnTire View Post
    Save money and buy cobra.

    They're coming down in price too, so you could find yourself a deal.

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  8. #8
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    i think the whole reason he is tryin to stick with the car he has is because he is a little upsidedown in it, and not able to afford a cobra. otherwise, i know he would love one. i say kudos to him for tryin to make it work out. after all, there are some rather quick gt's out there.

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  9. #9
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    I have not heard very possitive things about the P-51 intake... Just what I've heard.....
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  10. #10
    Senior Member MinGry03's Avatar
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