Great day out at the base yesterday. 30 years ago this year I stomped that tarmac working on the new F15's and it was sure cool to be back out there again and see the old birds. The F15 demo was great but the highlight of the day had the be the B2 bomber fly-by. It was a surprise for everyone. It flew by 3 times. Wow, that baby is huge. The T-birds did there typical show and had alittle twist this year. Usaully when the diamond four is out front and everyone is keyed on them the #6 comes up from behind for a surprise fly over. This time the #6 came up from about 7:00 and sweep a 180 in full afterburner at about 500' over the crowd. Scared the crap out of everyone.
The heritage flight was great as always. I bet that little P51 Mustang Merlin engine was at redline while that F15 and A-10 were barely holding there own. Great day..