So I couldn't attend the HPS day at the track once again. I haven't had much time to post lately and rant about it but here I go. Every time there is an HPS track day event something happens or goes wrong and I can't race. Even a regular day at the track and stuff happens. First time, clutch wasn't engaging properly and couldn't shift at high rpm. Second time; one of my day old tires decided to shred on me a day before track day. Third time; HPS had it on my army national guard weekends. Now the fourth time (3-10), my car is stuck in the shop with a clutch cable problem. Well, this is what was happening to my second cable.
UPR can't seem to make a decent aftermarket cable. So I just had the stocker thrown back on with a firewall adjuster. While I was at it I uncorked some more of my exhaust and threw a Diff brace too. Why the hell not. So I think im cursed. Don't know whats going to happen next time I try and run this car. Maybe I should just stick to the street.
Speaking of which, an AMG E33 (not sure if I read the model number right) wanted a run tonight and I gave him much more than he could chew. Anyways,....thats the end of my rant.