We got ours whooo hooo, party on the third floor hehehehehe
We got ours whooo hooo, party on the third floor hehehehehe
So are you gonna drive Rocky over or not???????
"The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"
Maybe next year. Yeah yeah yeah I know but I cant afford the whole package, gas, room, entry fee etc.. Im sorry
Ok, at least your gonna experience the biggest Ford show you have ever seen!!!!!!
"The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"
Your going to miss out on something big if you don't take Rocky Trish. Ther first year you go. you got to get up extra early to wait in line. It's like waiting to get into the Indy 500, or Super Bowl! (Really!)
If you leave Rocky at home, get to the gate early to watch the Cars as they go in, It's the only way you will see all 1800 of them!
Get your registration for Rocky mailed in Trish, you won't regret it!
Two weeks away!!!!!!!
"The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"