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Thread: New Pizza Night Thread

  1. #1
    Senior Member ASUSMC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    New Pizza Night Thread

    HPS Pizza night at Il Primo Pizza @ 59th Ave. and Bell in the old Costco parking lot N.W. corner at 6:00pm SAT 3/3/2007 trust me this one is a ton cleaner, different ownership, and better neighborhood yes I used to work there).

    Pizza , Beer, Breadstix, Wings , Salad, Mozarella Stix, French Fries.
    Big Screen TV, Comfortable Booths, Video and Arcade games.

    The more cars the merrier. Last weekend cruising down to the Pavilions was awesome. As the rear car with the top down I got to see a lot of people stare.

    Take I-17 to Bell Rd and turn west (left for 99% of you). Drive to 50th Ave and turn right. You will make another immediate right into a parking lot and bam there you are. Here is a map for those directionally challenged people. It is the white building on the top of the page with the red arrows pointing at it. If you want to find directions from your house the address is

    17045 N 59th Ave
    Glendale, AZ, 85308
    Last edited by ASUSMC; 03-02-07 at 11:57 AM.
    2012 Race Red GT w/ a 5 Liter and a 6 speed
    2010 Dodge Challenger R/T traded in.
    '03 DBS Cobra .... Traded in, THANK GOD
    '01 Ford Lightning.... Sold, sorely missed

  2. #2
    Last edited by Tortuga; 03-03-07 at 03:38 PM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member fazm's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    gilbert, AZ
    Platinum Award 
    ive been asked to post....

    this is cancelled.....

    so umm dont go :)
    2005 v6 redfire mustang. yup its slow.
    12.03 @ 118.5 best et
    12.11 @ 122.0 best mph

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