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Thread: A reliable shop

  1. #11
    Senior Member Ethan@S3M's Avatar
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    May I suggest Anthem Motors.

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Chandler, Az
    stick with SVC, they have a mustang dyno and Rob really know how to tune a car. If you cant get a hold of them send me an email and I will give you the number I have for them

  3. #13
    Senior Member BLK03SVT's Avatar
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    +3 for Performance Solutions. They actually know what they're doing and back up the work they do.

    Here's a link to my experience with them:

    And let me say the minor issues that have come up they have taken care of right away.

    2011 Shelby GT 500
    Black/Black/Satin Black Stripes, Electronics Pkg, FRPP/BMR Suspension/Borla-Ford Racing Exhaust
    488rwhp/463rwtq bone stock
    Great Past Rides:
    2003 Mustang Cobra SVT Convertible- 302 Stroker & more- PSR Tuned, 2003 Mustang GT- Silver Coupe w/boltons
    1996 Mustang GT/SC- Paxton SC & Tons of Mods- SuperFord Mag Car, 1995 Mustang- Red w/boltons. 1968 Galaxie 500

  4. #14
    Senior Member 50 BMG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mk028 View Post
    stick with SVC, they have a mustang dyno and Rob really know how to tune a car.
    Pictures are worth a thousand words, or in this case, about 8,000 words.

    Here is my 2004 Cobra factory shortblock, tuned by Rob for 91 octane and 101 torco on a SCT 7 bank chip. It had almost 4,000 miles on the tune and was never shifted above 5500 RPM's except for 6 dyno pulls. Car went to SVC bone stock for mods (cammed ported eaton) and was the same way it left SVC the day it blew; the only mod I did on the car after tuning was swapping a ported TB and plenum for an accufab TB and plenum + getting rid of the breather filter they put on the car.

    Below is cylinder #1. Notice the gouges on the top and bottom of the piston. The spark plug for this cylinder was missing the electrode and half the head.

    Below is cylinder #2 in the center of the picture. Notice the gouges in the piston. I think the gouge on the top left side of the piston that runs in a horizontal direction has part of the electrode in it. The spark plug for this cylinder was also missing the electrode and half the head.

    Finally, notice the lean condition on the top of pistions 1 and 3 in this picture:

    Another pic of cylinder 2, again notice the lean condition on the top of this pistion:

    Below is cylinder #3. This cylinder was the leanest of all. Notice the discoloration of the pistion not only on the top, but also in about 1/2 of the piston dish.

    This is cylinder #4. By now, no explination is needed:

    This is cylinder #5 and #6, notice top of pistons:

    Cylinder #7:

    And cylinder #8 is the same as #7.

    Next weekish, I'll put up pictures of Akumas $15,000 motor. All the white crap on the valve stems we can see with the headers off suggests a coolant leak or worse. That motor had mabey 500 miles on it...
    Last edited by 50 BMG; 03-08-07 at 11:47 AM.

  5. #15
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Wow that was an ugly 8000 words.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
    Burning Corn
    9.97 - 135.5

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    One of the things I have learned in life is there is almost always two sides to every story. Its funny how when you ask one person his side and the other person their side they are always completely different. I have the exact same set up with a sct tune for 91 octane and 101 octane done by Rob. I do have more mods then the the one noted above though. I have had this set up for about 5k miles and havent had a single problem. I have gone above 5500 rpm many times and have yet to have a single problem. Like I said, everyone always has their own story.
    Last edited by mk028; 03-08-07 at 01:57 PM.

  7. #17
    Senior Member 50 BMG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mk028 View Post
    One of the things I have learned in life is there is almost always two sides to every story. Its funny how when you ask one person his side and the other person their side they are always completely different.
    PM replied...
    Last edited by 50 BMG; 03-08-07 at 02:18 PM.

  8. #18
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    think the pics speak loudly for themselves. and it was presented very well.

    Tuned By PSR TUNING
    11.07 @ 127.93
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