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Thread: Prescott cruise

  1. #1
    Senior Member 50 BMG's Avatar
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    Prescott cruise

    There is suppost to be a cruise to Prescott this weekend. I was organizing it but the support and potential turnout seems to have fallen off.

    If anyone can make it out PM me or post in this thread or post in this thread

  2. #2
    Senior Member Radeon's Avatar
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    Well, if I was out there I'd join up with you. I wont be out in Gilbert till the 20th though. By the way. I love your car. You have ALOT of mods done. When you gonna put a kenne bell on that thing?

  3. #3
    Senior Member 50 BMG's Avatar
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    Putting the new whipple on it. Probably in January/February. The cams make my ported eaton run like crap.

  4. #4
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 BMG
    Putting the new whipple on it. Probably in January/February. The cams make my ported eaton run like crap.

    Its all in the tune.
    I thought you would go with the twin turbo setup to keep up with the other side of the family. LOL

    Did you get the new wheels one yet?

    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
    Burning Corn
    9.97 - 135.5

  5. #5
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    I kept getting an error when trying to post.
    The post came out 3 times any way to delete posts?

  6. #6
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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  7. #7
    Senior Member Venomous Bite's Avatar
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    to cool to put it down
    I don't think that I can make it out I am usually pretty busy.

  8. #8
    Senior Member 50 BMG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Burntire

    Its all in the tune.
    Not that part of it. Eaton can't support boost up top (past 5K RPMs) in the first place and my cam profile has shifted the powerband right into that portion of engine RPM's.

    Thats the reason you don't hear about eaton cars with swapped cams. In fact, excluding myself, widowmaker and JDM's old car are the only guys in the country with cammed eatons that I've ever seen. I knew what I was getting into with the cams (that being an eventual move to a twin screw), so it really doesn't matter all that much to me. It's getting retuned real soon; I think there is a lot of potential left in the car especially after the run I did in my signature.

    Quote Originally Posted by Burntire
    I thought you would go with the twin turbo setup to keep up with the other side of the family. LOL

    Did you get the new wheels one yet?
    Please, I have a wife and 2 kids. I can't drop 15-35K into a TT cobra like my family know this 8)

    This TT funny business is actually a good thing. I never wanted to "keep up with the Jones'" in the car scene down here. Akuma's car = I know I'll never have car is a ricer compared to his. As far as T-04's car...I'd need a 100 shot on the whipple to stay with him for even 2 gears. He'd still walk me hard in the long run anyways though.

    And 2 of the new wheels are on, I'm still waiting on the replacement parts for the half-shafts in the rear. My car probably won't be on the street till after new years.

  9. #9
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    So your selling the eaton soon?

    Quote Originally Posted by 50 BMG
    Quote Originally Posted by Burntire

    Its all in the tune.
    Not that part of it. Eaton can't support boost up top (past 5K RPMs) in the first place and my cam profile has shifted the powerband right into that portion of engine RPM's.

    Thats the reason you don't hear about eaton cars with swapped cams. In fact, excluding myself, widowmaker and JDM's old car are the only guys in the country with cammed eatons that I've ever seen. I knew what I was getting into with the cams (that being an eventual move to a twin screw), so it really doesn't matter all that much to me. It's getting retuned real soon; I think there is a lot of potential left in the car especially after the run I did in my signature.

    Quote Originally Posted by Burntire
    I thought you would go with the twin turbo setup to keep up with the other side of the family. LOL

    Did you get the new wheels one yet?
    Please, I have a wife and 2 kids. I can't drop 15-35K into a TT cobra like my family know this 8)

    This TT funny business is actually a good thing. I never wanted to "keep up with the Jones'" in the car scene down here. Akuma's car = I know I'll never have car is a ricer compared to his. As far as T-04's car...I'd need a 100 shot on the whipple to stay with him for even 2 gears. He'd still walk me hard in the long run anyways though.

    And 2 of the new wheels are on, I'm still waiting on the replacement parts for the half-shafts in the rear. My car probably won't be on the street till after new years.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
    Burning Corn
    9.97 - 135.5

  10. #10
    Senior Member 50 BMG's Avatar
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    Ya I'm selling it.

    03cobra & 03 mach was talking about buying my eaton setup around 2 months ago but I never heard back from him.

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