In 1971, recent art college graduate Richard Nesbitt was working in his dream job as a designer in the Lincoln-Mercury studio.In 1971, recent art college graduate Richard Nesbitt was working in his dream job as a designer in the Lincoln-Mercury studio. The work was basic, even for a rookie, with most of it centering on annual styling updates. Then the studio got the call from above: Lee Iacocca wanted a design competition among the Ford styling studios for a new Mustang, one that would return the pony car to its roots as a small, sporty compact rather than the almost intermediate-sized '71-'73. For then-25 year-old Nesbitt, the assignment snatched him away from boring grille updates and plopped him into the legendary world of the youthful Mustang. The Lincoln-Mercury design was picked for the '74 Mustang II. Even better, Nesbitt's sketch was eventually selected for the hardtop version.
Photo Gallery: Richard Nesbitt Interview - Mustang Monthly Magazine

Photo Gallery: Richard Nesbitt Interview - Mustang Monthly Magazine

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