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Thread: Gas Problem

  1. #21
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    The bicycle will cure it all. LOL

    Just like Amsterdam does.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
    Burning Corn
    9.97 - 135.5

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Torchmach View Post
    Has anyone else notaced that people who may, or may not, be illegal aliens, are driving around 3 or 4 in a small economy sedan, while you have people in Scottsdale driving around (one person), in a large gas guzzling SUV (usally well over the speed limit)? Who is wasting resources now????

    If you really want to help stretch fuel resources you need to get people to change their driving habits, and what they drive.
    Removing gas taxes means that they have to be made up somewhere else. That really can't be done without creating a whole other base of problems. Not only that but the US is in alot of debt right now, so they can't just disappear.

    Besides, isn't the consumption type tax system similar to the gas tax system now? I could be wrong, however wouldn't that create a bigger problem since ppl are already accustomed to the current tax system and looking at how they react to gas prices with a similar system to that of the consumption tax, it would not be well percieved.

    Quote Originally Posted by BurnTire View Post
    If this country went to a consumption type tax system I feel things would be better. The more you spend the more tax you pay in tax. That would eliminate the under the table work problem.

  3. #23
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Consumption tax would help. Illegals buy stuff they pay tax. People who work under the table pay taxes. You spend money in this economy you pay tax. No cheats.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
    Burning Corn
    9.97 - 135.5

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by BurnTire View Post
    Consumption tax would help. Illegals buy stuff they pay tax. People who work under the table pay taxes. You spend money in this economy you pay tax. No cheats.
    I never said it wouldn't help. Cept the point that a bunch of the money is shipped outta here to Mexico to help with family, though I understand not all of it. I was just pointing out that it's similar to the gas tax system as it stands now which is not highly appretiated by the general public.

  5. #25
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    What I don't appreciate is my tax dollars paying for illegals healthcare.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
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  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by BurnTire View Post
    What I don't appreciate is my tax dollars paying for illegals healthcare.
    Yeah, I really don't have an opinion on this. I really don't care either way. I care about the theories that ppl throw out there to try to solve the problems. There are many problems with infinite solutions. My only concern with any of this is to show which problems are associated with each solution. No other point. If you switched it around and started fighting for immigration, I would do the same and fight against it. Just so u kno.

  7. #27
    Senior Member Torchmach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BurnTire View Post
    What I don't appreciate is my tax dollars paying for illegals healthcare.
    You pay one way or another. Higher prices for foods, wages to service industry workers.

    During WW II this country had a labor shortage that was partly filled by a "Guest Worker" program. One could apply in thier native Country for a job, they would go through a health exam, criminal background check. If every thing was OK they would be given a 6 month work permit that could be extended for another 6 months. They would pay taxes, our govenment knew who was here, and they got to send money back to their familys. And no one was exploited, or exposed to hazardous working conditions

    This naturally had costs associated with it, that would have to be passed on. But everything was on the up and up.

  8. #28
    Senior Member 50 BMG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tortuga View Post
    Also, Iraq is gonna have lower gas prices. It's Iraq that's making the gas. Not sure exactly how I was supposed to reply to this James.
    You said gas is priced on an international level. Iraq has a lower price than we do. Most places have a higher price than we do. Thats not priced on an international level...if it was everyone would be paying within 10% of each other before any taxes/BS additions. Gasoline closed out on the DJ futures last year at 1.54 a gallon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tortuga View Post
    Removing gas taxes means that they have to be made up somewhere else. That really can't be done without creating a whole other base of problems. Not only that but the US is in alot of debt right now, so they can't just disappear.
    Or we could remove the tax and quit spending...

    Quote Originally Posted by BurnTire View Post
    Consumption tax would help. Illegals buy stuff they pay tax. People who work under the table pay taxes. You spend money in this economy you pay tax. No cheats.
    The sooner everyone figures this out the faster this country gets back into shape.

    Problem is, it will never happen. The government is too short sighted and all the assclowns in the IRS/tax support will lose their jobs. Over 80% of all the money spent in the world comes from the US consumer
    Last edited by 50 BMG; 02-06-07 at 09:28 PM.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by 50 BMG View Post
    I just wanna say that I love u.
    Last edited by Tortuga; 02-06-07 at 09:34 PM.

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