In regards to schools, you are speaking of something that is done with. Instruction in Spanish or any language other then English is now illegal, unless certain circumstances prevail. These circumstances are bilingual programs in school. These programs require signed consent from parents of the students. You would be surprised at how many parents will not sign the consent form becuase they want their child to be able to speak English fluently. A bilingual program is where, when the parent gives consent, the teacher will teach in Spanish for part of the day then in English for the other half. Every couple weeks or months, depending on the teachers, the English portion will switch to Spanish and vice versa. An example of this is the kids at my school have reading in the morning (all morning) and math, science, and social studies (dubbed as other) in the afternoon. Class A gets Spanish reading and English (other) for 3 weeks then switches to English reading and Spanish other for 3 more weeks. This is only offered in select schools. One of the things that immbolizes our society today is the fact that noone knows. People like to think they know, however they are illy educated on current issues.