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Thread: another bad experience at speedworld[clubday]

  1. #1
    Senior Member 03cobrazzz's Avatar
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    Thumbs down another bad experience at speedworld[clubday]

    we had some races set up for clubday at speedworld.they upped the fees to $25 andafter taking your money they tell you we have coputer problems and cant give you 60' times.then you stand in line for 2 hours at a time to wait for too many clubs to finaly get through the lane and want to race the guy behing you and you got one car in front of the line girl says she cant line us up because there is no time.then says the guy in front could make a she changes her mind and says get out there and runthe guy in front.i did not wamt to do so.i told her i will turn around and go back to the pits and then did so.after Tony gets back he told me that the line girl told him i was done for today.what a way to treed a customer who is going to this track repeatdly for the last ten years.but i must say that Jeff did contact Staff at speedworld emediatly after the incident and try to fix it.thumbs up for that.i really appreciate it.

  2. #2
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    yea, that was not cool at all. right as i am going up the lady tells me to tell my buddy that his due to his "attitude" he was not welcome to race anymore and that he was done for the day. that was bs imo.

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  3. #3
    Senior Member 50 BMG's Avatar
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    Hmmm, sounds like the last 3 letters of your screen name Andy...


    But you all know my motto about the tracks

  4. #4
    Senior Member 03cobrazzz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AZSonicSnake View Post
    yea, that was not cool at all. right as i am going up the lady tells me to tell my buddy that his due to his "attitude" he was not welcome to race anymore and that he was done for the day. that was bs imo.
    i was nice and courteous.i never yell or use bad language.i dont know what her problem was.i just did not want to waste the good 109 fuel and the tires to run someone else.its all good hopefully she get shooled in customerrelations.i think someone in management should have taken care of this right there.but i guess its all over the same its not about the customer its about the moneyand no service.a refund or a free day to race would be a nice way to fix a wreck like this.but thats only my 0.2 nuff said to this

  5. #5
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    The amount of club cars was not too bad. It was the stupid junior dragsters and the big wheels. Yes kids on big wheels racing to the 60 ft mark wasting our time. They had an official junior dragster race tied into club day. Not Cool. I spoke with the track director on the issue with 2 members not being able to race and he was apologetic, but the excuse was to keep the program moving with no single runs to get the junior dragsters running again.
    Junior Dragsters obviously had priority over us.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member OH3MGSVT's Avatar
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    yeah that was bull, everytime the JR dragsters came up I was like "oh, it looks like its time for a break" and i just walked away

  7. #7
    Senior Member 03cobrazzz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BurnTire View Post
    The amount of club cars was not too bad. It was the stupid junior dragsters and the big wheels. Yes kids on big wheels racing to the 60 ft mark wasting our time. They had an official junior dragster race tied into club day. Not Cool. I spoke with the track director on the issue with 2 members not being able to race and he was apologetic, but the excuse was to keep the program moving with no single runs to get the junior dragsters running again.
    Junior Dragsters obviously had priority over us.
    ya i know and thanks again for taking care of it promptly.i m only sad that i spend all this money and effort to go there to do some racing and i did not get any of the races done.on a regular event you get 3 passes and thenyour bracket or headsup another 3 or when they cant run all cars 6 times over the day then the track is overbooked and that is called GREED take the money for services half performed with faulty equipment[60' times]its close to $100 bucks for the day waisted.

  8. #8
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 BMG View Post
    Hmmm, sounds like the last 3 letters of your screen name Andy...


    But you all know my motto about the tracks

    Tell me, don't recall the motto!!!!
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  9. #9
    Senior Member 03cobrazzz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jacostang View Post
    Tell me, don't recall the motto!!!!
    ya good one

  10. #10
    Senior Member BLK03SVT's Avatar
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    I thought that this was rediculous. I mean host this shit in the parking lot if you're trying to have things for kids to do.....

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