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Thread: speedworld 01/2/07 bad experience!

  1. #1
    Member xecutioner's Avatar
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    speedworld 01/2/07 bad experience!

    so even though I ran by personal best today, I wont be returning to speedworld for a very long time. so first of all I have to do some heavy convincing as it is to drive all the way out there since i live in Chandler, but now the entrance fee to run your car is $25 bucks!!!!! thats insane. I dont mean to sound cheap but wow thats alot. whats even worse is the guy at the gate was a jerk. then after paying the 25 dollars since we didnt want to drive the 40 minutes for nothing, there was no one at the tech line!!! we waited for forty minutes in line at tech til someone showed up. then after teching we go to park so my buddy can switch out his tires for slicks and as soon as we finish we figured we could run. nope not the case. we ended up having to wait more than a hour before they started letting people line em up. so ok. thats behind us, time to have fun but nope!! there were about 10-15 street cars there and about 8 or 9 trailer queens out there in the slick section. well it seemed like after all the cars ran once they would have like a 30 to 40 minute break. it was horrible and what made it worse is that i paid eight dollars more than i would have at firebird which is not far from my house. dont mean to bitch, just thought i would vent on here.

  2. #2
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    So there was only 30 cars there total?
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
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  3. #3
    Member xecutioner's Avatar
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    about that. something along those lines. with so little cars i should have put in tons of runs in since i was there from 8 til three. i put in three runs.

  4. #4
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Roland what the heck is going on?
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
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  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by xecutioner View Post
    so even though I ran by personal best today, I wont be returning to speedworld for a very long time. so first of all I have to do some heavy convincing as it is to drive all the way out there since i live in Chandler, but now the entrance fee to run your car is $25 bucks!!!!! thats insane. I dont mean to sound cheap but wow thats alot. whats even worse is the guy at the gate was a jerk. then after paying the 25 dollars since we didnt want to drive the 40 minutes for nothing, there was no one at the tech line!!! we waited for forty minutes in line at tech til someone showed up. then after teching we go to park so my buddy can switch out his tires for slicks and as soon as we finish we figured we could run. nope not the case. we ended up having to wait more than a hour before they started letting people line em up. so ok. thats behind us, time to have fun but nope!! there were about 10-15 street cars there and about 8 or 9 trailer queens out there in the slick section. well it seemed like after all the cars ran once they would have like a 30 to 40 minute break. it was horrible and what made it worse is that i paid eight dollars more than i would have at firebird which is not far from my house. dont mean to bitch, just thought i would vent on here.
    1. First off, I need to let you know that we appreciate your patronage regardless of how far you live from our facility. (If you made it in 40 minutes, you were speeding the entire way)
    2. You are correct, gate fees have increased. So have operating costs.
    3. You said you arrived at 8 AM, correct? Our gates open at 9 AM & the track is open at 10 AM(you were actually let in early)
    4. You had to wait in TECH? read #3 again, please
    5. You had to wait in the staging lanes? read # 3 one more time
    6. We do not take "breaks" during a race program. If you would have taken a moment, walked toward the start line & asked about the situation, you would have been given a polite explanation of exactly WHY cars were not running down the track. let's face the facts, if the track is not safe, you are not going to be sent down until it IS safe.
    7. Your personal "venting" and probably unfounded remarks ( I wasn't at the track on January 2nd) have now been viewed by at least 6 dozen of our customers. Thank you

    FYI>> I try to remember to change the battery in my watch quarterly.
    Last edited by Speedworld Roland; 02-07-07 at 06:43 PM. Reason: IMASMARTYPANTS

  6. #6
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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  7. #7
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Oil downs and delays are a part of racing. I wasn't there so I can't add any input.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
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  8. #8
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    ok, firebird is no gold star. i went there friday, and after sitting in tech for an hour and a half, and the staging lanes that were ran extremely pourly, i managed three runs in the 5 hours i was there. i have never, repeat NEVER had that problem at speedworld. not once. ever. even when they are packed the lines move quickly. and the track prep at speedworld as of late has been A+ compared to fireslick. so if it costs 8 bucks more to run on a track that actually is prepped properly, i will take it everyday.

    did i mention this was even during an event at speedworld? not just the "friday night drags" ???

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  9. #9
    Member xecutioner's Avatar
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    shouldnt you have updated your website before upping the price. we all showed up thinking it was twenty dollars to race, because thats what your website had said. and my buddies and i all heard the speaker say they were taking a fifteen minute break. that ended up being longer. so after hearing that why would i go ask someone else what the situation was? isnt that the point of having the speakers? to explain to those there whats going on? and yeah i know that cars break and blah blah blah. just like how you guys had to mop the entire track when that car broke its oil pan and spilled the entire way. i cant hold you at fault for that. i'm not on here to argue with you, i posted to inform my friends, and any other members that might care.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by xecutioner View Post
    shouldnt you have updated your website before upping the price. we all showed up thinking it was twenty dollars to race, because thats what your website had said. and my buddies and i all heard the speaker say they were taking a fifteen minute break. that ended up being longer. so after hearing that why would i go ask someone else what the situation was? isnt that the point of having the speakers? to explain to those there whats going on? and yeah i know that cars break and blah blah blah. just like how you guys had to mop the entire track when that car broke its oil pan and spilled the entire way. i cant hold you at fault for that. i'm not on here to argue with you, i posted to inform my friends, and any other members that might care.

    Dec 6, 2006

    Just announced; for 2007 Speedworld Raceway Park will be changing it's gate fee's on certain events starting January 1, 2007;
    Friday Night Challenge, Saturday T&T, Sunday Challenge, or Team Speedworld Events and Club Days; Racer Gate Fee $25.00/Spectator Fee $15.00 (Lane fee shall be separate).

    All other events shall be price by Speedworld and Promoters, look at Detail's of event schedule section on the Race Schedule Page of our Website.

    Check your schedule always and make sure to call the racer hotline for any updates before you come out to the track; 623 388-2424

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