2013 Ford Mustang GT - Sharp-Dressed, Man

We first encountered this strikingly good-looking 2013 GT in a rather unexpected location: the tony atrium lobby of an upscale hotel.We first encountered this strikingly good-looking 2013 GT in a rather unexpected location: the tony atrium lobby of an upscale hotel. Only the fact that said hotel was located in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and was playing host to last summer's Mid America Ford and Shelby Nationals, made any sense out of the site of this automotive find. Still, knowing that the Marriott Southern Hills' lobby is prime real estate annually reserved for only the finest of the Mid America event's FoMoCo and Shelby participant vehicles says something about the quality of this new coupe and its discerning modifications.
Photo Gallery: 2013 Ford Mustang GT - Sharp-Dressed, Man- Mustang Monthly Magazine

Photo Gallery: 2013 Ford Mustang GT - Sharp-Dressed, Man- Mustang Monthly Magazine

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