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Thread: Marry HillBilly Christmas

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Marry HillBilly Christmas

    So me n Ethyl decided to do our annual Christmas regalia. It was a slim pickin year what with one of the transporters getting caught shooting at the Home of Bill Clinton sign at Hope Arkansas. They busted him and took a whole load of white whiskey. I only had about 5 gallons left unsold from the other one that got through. I guess I can't get mad at Jim Bob though, who the hell knew they'd have video cameras on the sign?

    So anyhow I went to my personal stash and somehow about 4 of the 5 gallons had mysteriously disappeared. I just can't figure out where it all went. Like figuring out where time went when you are having fun I guess?

    So, anyhow, I had to make do with what I got. Everybody gets a pint stead of a quart this year. I went out and bought some sterile pint jars, not wanting to contaminate the lead particles in the whiskey, and began the process of cutting it down.

    With four quarts on hand I figured I could reasonably cut it to 12 pints. Don't do the math unless you are drinkin. Well I lined the jars up and began to measure out the whiskey, of course I took an occasional sip to ensure that it was actually whiskey. Then I cut and capped the pints

    Sheesh, one sip out of each pint didn't seem like it was going to be tough. of course for quilitte kontrol I has to sip a secund zip to mash cure it was okeee. atter toe zips I hadda brak inta my stash cause the gits wuz gettin kina emptee.

    Tom i gots everything lablelled I seen one of the stash quartz turnid oer n emti. I kinna dink Ethyl wuz stealin a zip heretthere

    sumho I gots eerthing labelled n a bow on it. dam my head is light and the roomz spinnin. holly chit whard them other empties com frum?

    Marry Hillbilly Christmas
    Last edited by wrp; 12-19-12 at 09:38 PM.

  2. #2
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  3. #3
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    Well, we got some too from home!
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