Sheetmetal Replacement- Hindquarters

Graverobbers Sheetmetal Shows How to Whip Your Filly Into ShapeOne of the most common areas for rust for any car from the muscle car era is the rear quarter-panel. The front fenders and framerails suffer quite a bit as well, but the rear quarters have a habit of harboring and fostering the proliferation of rust, especially for vehicles driven in the snow belt. Combine that with poor metal plating and minimal rust prevention methods and you have a recipe for car cancer. The eventual replacement of the quarter-panels is not a process that should be taken lightly, and if full quarter-panel replacement is in the cards, then you really want a professional handling the installation.
Photo Gallery: Sheetmetal Replacement- Hindquarters - Modified Mustangs & Fords Magazine

Photo Gallery: Sheetmetal Replacement- Hindquarters - Modified Mustangs & Fords Magazine

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