I guess it's just us Joe. No other replies so far.

We are being seated at tables of 8~10 people and will be served two pizzas per table plus wings and soft drinks. And we'll see what next year's Pizza Committee comes up with....

Quote Originally Posted by JoeT View Post
They should do something along the lines of whomever is bringing someone to the pizza party must have attended at least 3 monthly meetings and 1 CMC sponsored event to be eligible. Last year there were so many people there I had never seen. People were taking 3-4 pieces of pizza at a time. Not that my fat azz needs it, but Bonnie and I literally had 4 pieces of pizza. They brought 2 pizzas out right before the end and there was some really fat lady, she had 4 pieces of pizza on her plate, taking the last ones, I said to her "I've only had 2 pieces and your taking 4?" She said sorry about your luck and took the last of the pizza.

Ill be the first to RSVP that Bonnie and I should be there, the only thing that could change that is if I'm just to tired from Sema since we will be coming home that Friday the 2nd.