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Thread: Gramother's 79 T-bird

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    Senior Member MinGry03's Avatar
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    Gramother's 79 T-bird

    Back in 1979 my grandfather and grandmother purchased a new T-Bird. When my grandfather past away in 1985, my grandfather wanted me to have the car when I got old enough to drive. Well after 12 years of nagging and a little persuasion, I got to drive my grandfather's car this past summer. I took it back to my place to wax and buff it because it has not a good bath for about 2 1/2" years. My grandmother still thinks I would "zoom-zoom" in the T-Bird because she can hear how loud my cobra is and she thinks I drive it fast. I told her "I do", but the T-Bird can not even pull itself out of it's own shadow. I will see if she will let me take it out this summer.....

    Actual Mileage.......

    Last edited by MinGry03; 01-18-07 at 09:40 AM.
    2003 Mineral Grey Cobra

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