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Thread: Some People Need a Hobby.

  1. #1
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Pittsburgh, PA

    Some People Need a Hobby.

    The joys of being a forum admin
    Names removed to protect the ????

    Email I received
    I found your site while searching for a new battery, a motorcraft BXT 59-540 , when I signed up I found it had been sold, I suggest that once you sell an item you remove it, it sold for 50.00 and I found a new one for 69.99 @ http://www.firestonecompleteautocare...method=vehicle , so it is just as well, but it is annoying to see your listings are not up to date.
    My response

    Do you mean this Battery?

    The thread is from 2009 and the battery is marked sold in the post 3 years ago.
    All classifieds over 90 days go to an archive.

    I suggest you look at the entire thread, dates of postings and the site structure before you go complaining.

    There are thousands off classifieds that have been posted here by many different members. Anything active is in the classifieds anything old goes to the classified archive.

    We do not delete ads as they provide a method of providing feedback for the sale for future transactions.

    His Response
    exactly my point what good are 3 year old posts??? by the way all 3 attachments are bad that are listed and they say to notify the administrator, is that you? I can't believe that people that visit this site and see 3 year old sites even thing you are still in business. How often do you purge the site o old postings? seems like it must take a considerable amount of space up, or did I find the only post 3 years old. I won't bother you again, so when anyone does a search from Google they go into this archive? You will hear no more complaints from me.
    My response

    Here is a very large mustang forum classified section

    Look at that posts from 2007!!!

    Maybe you can email them and complain also.

    Have a nice day.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
    Burning Corn
    9.97 - 135.5

  2. #2
    Senior Member 05mustangman's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
    Surprise, AZ
    That's funny! I find it funny when people do random questions and responses to like 3 year old threads. Bringing threads back from the dead. Like you said, just look at the dates on the thread. plus it wouldn't benefit a forum if they deleted old posts. A lot of people like to go back and research older stuff and if it's deleted obviously you can't do that.

    2010 GT500 - Modded out the Wazoo. Tuned by Shelby American Motorsports. Las Vegas, NV.
    2003 Ford Lightning- Airaid intake, Bassani exhaust, Lakewood torsion bar, 2" drop shackels and a few more mods.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Mesa, Az
    Platinum Award 
    Jeff, you cant fix stupid!
    "The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"

  4. #4
    Senior Member IansBAJ's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Jacostang View Post
    Jeff, you cant fix stupid!
    I bet he is going to vote for Obama this year based on the info from four years ago.

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