Reduce Wheelhop and Improve Traction - Stop The Hop
We reduce wheelhop and improve traction with the help of Maximum Motorsports and QA1. Click here for more details or check out the August 2012 issue of Muscle Mustangs & Fast Fords Magazine.It didn't take long before Mustang enthusiasts found the limit of the SVT Cobra's IRS. A set of sticky tires and aggressive launches resulting in wheelhop has prematurely ended the lives of many independent rearends. This is a huge problem when it's so easy to make big power with a Four-Valve and some boost.
Photo Gallery: Reduce Wheelhop and Improve Traction - Stop The Hop - Muscle Mustangs & Fast Fords Magazine
Photo Gallery: Reduce Wheelhop and Improve Traction - Stop The Hop - Muscle Mustangs & Fast Fords Magazine
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