Depending on the weather about the show on saturday, if its rainy then I'll def. go up to the trailer!!
"The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"
If I get rained out of racing tomorrow I may go on Saturday.
2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
Burning Corn
9.97 - 135.5
I have e-mailed our list of names to Tim at ford. When you get there stop at the Ford Racing trailer and let Mark know you're there.
For those helping out at the trailer, Tim gave me some Barrett-Jackson tickets. I'll try to make it to the Pavillions this Sat, otherwise I'll have them at the meeting Sunday.
'89 ASC/McLaren #176
'87 ASC/McLaren #134 SOLD!
'85 GT Orig Owner 27k miles
Will try my best to make it there today (Jan 13). Have some add ons to my stang to do his morning, hopefully I can get it knocked out with no complications.
(602) 790-0184
ill be happy to go i missed the tricked ponie show
Below is what the forecasted weather is going to be next Sat and Sun so bring your parkas, hats, gloves, rain gear, and battery heated socks. I will shoot for Saturday the 20th, what time do we need to be there, and is there a point of contact we should ask for when we arrive?
Ford already has the list of folks from last Thursday. You are more than welcome to show up and offer to assist though. It'll be standing around the trailer and answerinf Ford questions. They might pick a couple of S197 cars to park by the Ford Racing trailer.
'89 ASC/McLaren #176
'87 ASC/McLaren #134 SOLD!
'85 GT Orig Owner 27k miles