2011 AmericanMuscle.Com King of The Street - Big Ten

KOTS Celebrates its 10th annivesary by crowning a 5.0-Liter winnerAs with anything, after you've done it a few times, you know what to expect. Sure, there will be a few surprises, but as a whole, you know how things are going to go down. With our annual King of the Street competition, we'd say the competition is a well-oiled machine. Announcements are in the magazine, the 5.0&SF website, and Facebook page well in advance. Cars are picked around the end of August/early September so competitors have time to make travel plans. Stickers are ordered, instructions are sent out... oh man, we were on such a roll!

Photo Gallery: 2011 AmericanMuscle.Com King of The Street - Big Ten - 5.0 Mustang and Super Fords Magazine

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