Just finished adding 300 movies, over 1100 total!
Yup I'm back with the goods! The warm weather made for a rough hunting season in the NE and then I had to survive the holidays but inbetween everything else and working on my toys I was collecting movies, lots of them. The movies page will be broken apart soon, getting WAY too big to load anymore but there are now over 1100 movies to help fight the winter duldrums so have patience and let the thing load, you will be happy you waited. Go crazy, download, post links anywhere you please, tell your friends because there are fewer and fewer sites that let you download anything and everything without putting you thru a hassle or making you pay, but never at 04snake.com! Don't worry you Chebbie lovers, I will post another thread with 50-100 of the cool new non-Ford stuff. Below I collected just a few of the best new Ford movies links, but don't stop there follow anyone of the page section links at the bottom to hit the motherload of your liking.
You might have seen a couple, I get them in the some of the same forums I post in, but many are not available anywhere else to download!
Pour a cup of Joe or your favorite distilled beverage and experience a little of that "track" flavor that we all crave!
Becareful at work, everything is work safe (with volume under control) but can become addictive!
If you follow any of the page links below just be aware that it has background
racing sounds when it first loads, so watchout for that and don't get into trouble!
Arnie Cohen (GoDragRacing.com) tribute to Tim Lynch and his 00 TT Stang!
It shows his record breaking E-Town Outlaw run where he goes 6.66 @ 215.9!
Clash of the Titans was the venue for Josh to nip Jay! 9.15@145 vs 9.38@149 is SICK!
Joe Newsham's TT Cobra wins the Outlaw final when Hance gets sideways! 6.98 @210
Here is another view of the Newsham vs Hance Atco Outlaw 10.5 Final matchup!
I just found this incar of Newsham's 03 TT Cobra filmed in Hi-Res and at nitetime!
You can see Joe react fast when his TT Cobra acts like a sassy teenager! Big Props!
Ride along with Joe "White" Newsham in his 03 Small Block Chevy Twin Turbo Cobra!
Not sure what mods Corey has in his 03 but it is fast! Great incar! 10.59@125! .flv (Flash)
Here is Tim Lynch setting a new mark for Outlaw 8th against Ulsch! 4.36@172! .flv (Flash)
Come on inside with Mike Hill in his 05 Outlaw Stang for a pass! .flv (Flash)

Sir Fink has his fastest pass to date 11/19/06 and runs 9.89 @ 137 on 2.2 KB only!
Just another day at the office for RF! runs 10.01 @ 137 3 days before Xmas at HRP!
The model of consistency RF backs up 10.01 with 10.04 @ 138 12/22 at HRP!
The Sonic Blue Ratt I is in action here running a smooth nitetime 10.11 @ 136!
10 Ohhh's are the rule for Mr Fink here is one such evening pass! 10.07 @ 139!
Ratt runs a truck but a 1.4 60ft has him a little off! only runs 10.23 @ 135!
Not sure whose Drag Radial Stang got all 4 corners wrecked at Orlando Speed World!
Rick Fedorovich's Flamed Procharged Cobra eliminated Mike Dimartino's Maro! 7.30 @ 188!
Ever Wonder what Tim Lynch sees? This incar blast at Huntsville 8th might help!
Newsham's 03 TT Cobra handles Fedorovich's 01 Procharged Cobra on Qual pass! 4.61@166!
The Ratt I was cut back to an 1/8th in the dew but went all out for 6.45 @ 106!
Clifford's 03 IRS, Ported, juiced, Eaton, Auto is quick, REALLY quick! 10.01 @ 136!
Jumpin Jack Flash runs a 9 sec Stang that breaks, he rolls out to 10.27 @ 132!
Jumpin Jack Flash is not shy about beating his Termy here he goes 10.27 @ 136!
Jumpin Jack Flash lines up against a Classic Camaro and runs 10.29 @ 135!
Jumpin Jack Flash saves it and never flinches as he clocks another 10.29 @ 135!
Great incar look at this 05 Turbo! Smooth ride doesn't even look like 9.30!
Chuck Ulsch had to drive his 762ci BBC Camaro in the English Town Outlaw Final to hang
on and not cross the line so he could drive around Tim Lynch's 00 Stang when he broke!
The 4" cowl hood on this Stang looks bad! But 9.32 @ 143 IS bad to the bone!
Hisssnsvt gets his Whippled 03 IRS Cobra into the nines! 9.99 @ 140
Hisssnsvt lays down a blistering pass with his Whippled 03 IRS Cobra! 10.19 @ 137
MrWhipple Cobra was driven hard and put the Yellow 12.0 Stang away! 10.48 @ 130
MrWhipple has the 03 running mid 10's beats sharp 12.0 Red SS! 10.50 @ 127
Mike Keenan holeshot his 99 Stang and beat Tim Murray's 00 SS in DR Final! 7.81 @ 191
Cobra Sam twists his 03 bad when it jerked the wheels but beat 12sec Goat! 10.56@126
This 99ish Cobra is a monster, might need some suspension tweaks? 9.31 @ 145
Shalom's 96 Stang is setup for some fun at the track! Nitetime 11.28@122! .flv (Flash)
Stang closes fast on a Chevelle at the far end. Chevelle 10.80@125 vs Cobra 10.88@133
This is one of those vids I find while bumping around that is just epic!
Blown Cobra pedals it & drives around a GN Buick and runs 9.40@143 vs 9.48@142!
Blue Stang rocket takes off and makes the 12 sec GranNannie look busted! 9.31 @ 151