Let me know if you find anyone with a 99-04 sold axle.. I am in need of one myself.. you wouldn't be interested in a 99-04 solid with Strange 33 spline axles, welded axle tubes, 4.56 gears and Strange full spool would you? its a drag rear end for sure..lol
A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.
-Gerald Ford
Nawww Dude.. I ate a whole pizza...
Here's a complete rear for $250. http://phoenix.craigslist.org/wvl/pts/2860468344.html
When I did mine DTS (in Detroit) built me a complete unit with FRPP 3.73s and diff cover, Eaton diff, and Strange axles shipped to my door for a little less than 2 grand if I remember correctly.
2012 GT500 543/533 11.7@120
1995 5.0 minute or two per lap
I believe the 99-04 rears have their one size.. the -98 ones are narrower flange to flange
A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.
-Gerald Ford
Nawww Dude.. I ate a whole pizza...
98 and earlier are 3/4" shorter per side for a total of 1.5 compared to the 99+. The IRS is about 1" narrower than a 99 solid axle.
2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
Burning Corn
9.97 - 135.5
Forgot about the width difference. Now that I think about it don't some people run the 94-98 axle intentionally to fit more tire under the car???
Mine was 99+ width but with GT brake brackets so I could run 15 inch wheels.
2012 GT500 543/533 11.7@120
1995 5.0 minute or two per lap
I have a 98 width in my car.
2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
Burning Corn
9.97 - 135.5
Thanks for the link Wharf Rat I called the guy but it already sold :-/ that would have been perfect too, if there are any others anyone knows of please send them my way.
best mod for an 03-04 cobra besides a turbo kit