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Thread: Fords on Fourth Tucson Sunday March 4, 2012

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    Senior Member
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    North Phoenix, AZ

    Fords on Fourth Tucson Sunday March 4, 2012

    Register now for Ford on Fourth in Tucson. Check-in is from 7-9am Sunday 3/4/12. There is a group making plans now to head out Saturday morning (3/3/12) to visit Karchner Caverns (#22.95/person in advance) after lunch. Then stay in Tucson and be ready to head over to Fourth Ave around 8am as a group so we can park together. Or you can just drive down early Sunday morning. We have attended the last 4 or 5 years and it's always a nice show. Plenty of stores to browse and there is a restored trolly that runs from Fourth Street over to the college with lots of restaurants. Short walk to a railroad museum. More info will be posted here.

    Register online or print a mail in form:

    $25 for the first car and that includes a t-shirt.
    Attached Images Attached Images   
    '89 ASC/McLaren #176
    '87 ASC/McLaren #134 SOLD!
    '85 GT Orig Owner 27k miles

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