How To - Repair Hood Hinge Nut Plates

We prescribe a quick fix for an oft damaged place on a car.I've never forgotten the time that I forgot to reinstall the hood pins on a '67 Mustang during my youth. I roared down the street like hot stuff, only to have the hood fly open at 30-40 mph. The hood hinges were badly damaged as were the inner fender nut plates. In those days, the only solution for a fix was large fender washers, bolts, plywood, and locknuts. Today, we have Dynacorn inner fender aprons that enable us to either replace the apron or repair an existing one when the nut plates pull out. Scott Robinson from Northwest Pony Shoppe is going to show us how to perform this simple and permanent repair.

Photo Gallery: How To - Repair Hood Hinge Nut Plates - Mustang Monthly Magazine

Photo Gallery: How To - Repair Hood Hinge Nut Plates - Mustang Monthly Magazine

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