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Thread: Copperstate 2012

  1. #11
    Senior Member 05mustangman's Avatar
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    Thats true i bet the mayor would love to work with us again. That would be a great time!

    2010 GT500 - Modded out the Wazoo. Tuned by Shelby American Motorsports. Las Vegas, NV.
    2003 Ford Lightning- Airaid intake, Bassani exhaust, Lakewood torsion bar, 2" drop shackels and a few more mods.

  2. #12
    Senior Member 05mustangman's Avatar
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    So is this something that we would actually like to persue? If so, either me or Rick could bring it up at the next Wild West meeting and generate some interest.

    2010 GT500 - Modded out the Wazoo. Tuned by Shelby American Motorsports. Las Vegas, NV.
    2003 Ford Lightning- Airaid intake, Bassani exhaust, Lakewood torsion bar, 2" drop shackels and a few more mods.

  3. #13
    Senior Member Rick Shopmier's Avatar
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    Lets not get the wagon ahead of the horse. It would be great if we could get each club to designate a representative to look into doing the event, remember that no one club could claim ownership of such a venture, it's all or none. Since I had been involved with the Rocky Mountain Mustang Roundup(a very successful model) for many years, I could provide advise to the group of representatives on what it would take to do an event. Let see if the clubs want to do this, make a commitment of resourses and work. Yup, Prescott would sound good, its neutral ground!


  4. #14
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    I think we would have to start with a e mail to all the clubs explaining the concept... I know SAMC knows how RMMR works, they send many Mustangs up there every year. Finding one main benefactor for the event would be the primer? Rick is that how they s=designate where all the funds go at the end? Is it all donated to one charity or do they split it among the clubs....
    "The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"

  5. #15
    Senior Member Rick Shopmier's Avatar
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    I had been involved(co-chair and activites chair) with the Rocky Mountain Mustang Round-up (RMMR, started in 1988) from 1990 to 1999, also was active with Vettes on the Rockies (VOTR, started in 1973) in the same capacity from 1977 to 2000. These are the largest continual car events in Colorado, 500+ cars each annually. So I know a little about this stuff. Looking at RMMR, the 5 and sometimes 6 clubs co-hosted event, it was agreed by all parties the it only existed with all clubs having equal ownership. Each club has a show representative (usually elected by the club as a board position), also at the beginning each club provided seed money for starting the event to cover costs, RMMR has its own banking. Financially successful shows (most all were) held the funds within the RMMR account, and if funds were taken out for what ever reason it was at the agreement of all partys/clubs. This answers Daves question. All Arizona Mustang clubs should be contacted to see if any want to participate, if yes then each should designate a person to come to a first meeting to establish what the event should be, then that person returns to their respective club and if the club agrees to be a part it, then that club should provide their share of the seed money, an agreement of all participating clubs has to created and the committee start planning the event and stick to the plan. First determine a potential location, contact the Chamber of Commerce (this is a must and saves a lot of work, they will determine the mood of the community, businesses and locations for the event activities, they become a partner and provide huge support). It is important that all parties come with an open mind, not the "we always do it this way" attitude. First step, have a first meeting with 1 member from each club attending to do a feasability study. Next go back to the club and see if they want in, those who come back will be the players. This all has the potential of being the largest single mark show in Arizona. This is a lot of food for thought. From this point on the ball is in your court and I will gladly sign on as an advisor.


  6. #16
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    Thanks Rick, the principles would be:
    Old Pueblo, Southern Arizona, Copperstate, Wild West, Arizona Mustang and maybe Mohave.. Not sure how Mohave is doing, have not heard from them lately....

    Location, Location Location...Events...

    I'm sure a town like Prescott would be interested, since the RMMR brings in Milllions of $$$$ to Steamboat.. Just dont expect a Steamboat turnout the first year... But if done right, the word gets out and we could have a great new event like Route 66 in Flagstaff.. The first year they only had 100 cars....

    Name??? I like "Arizona Mustang Fest" Or maybe "Arizona Pony Express" Just throwin stuff out there.....Or my old Show

    Arizona Mustang Monsoon Madness depending on the date of the show....
    "The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"

  7. #17
    Senior Member Rick Shopmier's Avatar
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    This all has to be done in steps, some small but significant. Contact all clubs and see who responds. Get each to have a representative, meet some where neutral, have a little beer(helps me get thinking) then map out what the show is about, take it back to the clubs, see who wants in. With the players in place, set the rules, get the ideas going (like name, location, date and activities) then plan for the event. Yes, the Chambers of Commerce are aware of the income roll over impact on a community and they will get the businesses behind it, they know the number of units for lodging and the lay of the land, make them a partner (they are a condut to the community and don't charge for their services). The name should have significance and project something big (if you want it to grow). Remember that RMMR and VOTR play on the Rocky Mountains, something Colorado is noted for and make sure that the name is not someone elses property. All car events start small and grow if given the opportunity, what's scary is when it gets too big, the dream right? Remember the clubs will be the financial and human resourses, they will have ideas. It may be a thought for the fisrt year event focus on getting all the clubs the participate to set the ground work, then go public. That is how RMMR and VOTR started. Maybe it is time to start a new thread, lets give this thing some legs. One final thing, I know that Wildwest will have a leadership change the first on January, don't know with AZMCC. Any one up for a cold beer after the first of the year?

    One thing, don't use the "FEST" thing, sounds hippy and the VW guys like to use it, just my thought.


  8. #18
    Junior Member
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    This sound pretty cool. David and I spoke about this last week. What month were you thinking of-June,July ? Copperstate Mustang Club has a Board meeting on Jan 4th, so I'll bring this topic up for discussion. So let's all put the guns and knives away and have all the clubs work together. After all, we all have one thing in common-MUSTANGS!

  9. #19
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    Nice to see you here Jeff!!! So Rick, we cant use Fest, to hippie-ish??? LOL
    "The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"

  10. #20
    Senior Member 05mustangman's Avatar
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    How about "Mustangs in the Mountains"

    Looking on Google earth you could see there are quite a few large parking lots that could host autocross if possible. And a poker run through Jerome and surronding areas could be a popular event.
    Last edited by 05mustangman; 12-21-11 at 11:18 PM.

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