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Thread: Forged motor build +

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Thumbs up Forged motor build +

    Decided to up the game in my 2000 GT.

    Seasoned Iron Modular Block
    Custom Diamond Pistons with Valve Reliefs for 2V heads
    Ceramic coated Piston crowns and Teflon Coated skirts
    8-bolt 4340 forged stock stroke crankshaft
    4340 Forged Manley Connecting rods with ARP 2000
    Stainless Steel Piston Rings
    Thick Wall H13 tool steel wrist pins
    'Race series' main & rod bearings
    ARP 2000 Main Studs

    Not pictured but we are also going to run Trick Flow Specialties Twisted Wedge 2 valve cylinder heads with a Trick Flow blower cam.

    The plan is to run 15 psi on 91 octane. Hoping to be in the 510-520hp range through the 4r70w and 3.73 gears.

    Other things I have for the car
    2003 Cobra tank
    2 Ford 'GT' pumps
    dual FPDMs to power each pump
    96 mustang 2 valve timing cover with 3 bolt tensioner
    trick flow valve covers
    Vortech SI impeller upgrade
    60# injectors
    slot style MAF
    Tial BOV
    UPR K-member w/tubular A-arms
    Coil overs w 12" 200lb springs
    Tokicko adjustable drag struts

    Last edited by Stanger00; 01-04-12 at 04:29 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2009

    A few more pics of whats going on. UPR K-member, 12"/200lb springs, tokico illumina 5 way adjustable drag struts, then the motor with its 96-98 timing cover and the 10% overdrive. All new hardware was also used just didnt seem right to use 11 year old hardware.

    More progress.

    Plugged up the bypass valve openings.

    Degass tank and PS reservoir

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Heres a low quality photo of how the dual FPDM was set up in the trunk.

    As of Nov 21st I just got word the Vortech headunit arrived from being rebuilt with the upgraded impeller. A couple pipes need to be mocked to set up the MAF and BOV locations for welding and powdercoating. Once that is finished it will get tuned for the break-in miles...A similar motor build with T-56 and stage 3 heads with a smaller cam pulled 575 hp with 17lbs of boost on 91 octane...I'm thinking mine will pull in the 550 range with 15-16lbs of boost, not sure what the 3.1" pulley and overdrive crank will make at 6500 rpms.

    Almost done. I started the parts ordering back in April of this year and the motor was assembled in late August but some things happened and put my plans on hold for about a month. Overall happy with the progress.

    Also, I have a bunch of stuff that will be up for sale soon.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    What my car looks like

    Who recognizes this dynojet?

    Past issues while living in AZ

    That happened 2 times before I fixed the problem. Powersteering pump pulley was the culprit and swapped pump and pulley no more belt shredding and upgraded to a braided stainless steel oil feed.

  5. #5
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Pittsburgh, PA
    You got a nice project going there. Keep the pics coming.

  6. #6
    Senior Member SloSVO's Avatar
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    Buckeye, Az
    My guess is PSRs old Dyno?? Do I win the cookie?

  7. #7
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    Just got word this morning that all the piping is finished being test fitted and are now getting the maf and BOV flanges welded before powder coating. Thinking it will hit the rollers next week.

    BurnTire, you run e-85. Did you buy PTFE hose or non-teflon coated rubber line. I have 80lb injectors going on the car instead of 60's and plan on having a E-85 tune but the shop who does the tuning only recommends teflon hose. I found aeroquip hose and its decent deal but just dont want to have issues further down the line from the ethanol eating the rubber. Some people say fragola weeps fuel odor while others say it doesnt.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SloSVO View Post
    My guess is PSRs old Dyno?? Do I win the cookie?
    Haha, if there were a cookie to give you earned it

    That is their dyno. Car pulled 394 hp and 400 tq SAE back in December 2009. Baseline was 380 with a mail order 91 octane tune and ran 12.30's at 110 at speedworld. After Devin worked out all the transmission (ECM controlled) kinks I was able to run 11.9's at 116. With the new motor and bigger horsepower I hope to hit at least a 10.9X between 126-130 mph...I only have a 26" tire right now and I dont expect it to stick at all but I will give it a try. Also will try to do this without a transbrake and computer shifted transmission, lofty goals maybe for theoretical 550hp, 3200lb car.

  9. #9
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stanger00 View Post
    BurnTire, you run e-85. Did you buy PTFE hose or non-teflon coated rubber line. I have 80lb injectors going on the car instead of 60's and plan on having a E-85 tune but the shop who does the tuning only recommends teflon hose. I found aeroquip hose and its decent deal but just dont want to have issues further down the line from the ethanol eating the rubber. Some people say fragola weeps fuel odor while others say it doesnt.
    Aeroquip TFE -8. It will not weep ever.

    I have used ever other type of rubber crap and it all weeps.

    I have an aeromotive E-85 fuel filter. Stock Rails and the Ford 80lbs Injectors.
    Twin GT pumps with a KB BAP.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
    Burning Corn
    9.97 - 135.5

  10. #10
    Member Mystic544's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Peoria, AZ
    Nice build
    Would suggest getting rid of that OEM plastic intake...
    Bullitt flows great under boost but there are other better options out there now-a-days too! Lots of real nice custom fab high-rise units, Sullivan performance, BBK....
    Anyway, good stuff man!
    1996 Mystic Cobra #544

    2003 PitchBlack SVT Focus

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