seein the pics makes me sad. as of last month we had to give away our two beloved cats. after years of dealing with alergy issues my wife went and got tested. and go figure, cats were one of the worst of her allergies. bummer. oh well, both went to a good home. and one of them if right down the road with my mom, so atleast i can go visit him.
Myself and wife are both allergic to cats. We keep them out of the master bedroom which helped a ton. I clean the carpet a few times a year and we seem to be fine.
2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
Burning Corn
9.97 - 135.5
My wife is not allergic but I am. So to make it easier, we just don't have any. If she wants a cat, she can always go to her brother's and play with their cat....