Video to follow soon. I missed the first car on the roller and the last 4 unless others added on after I left. Had another event to check out. There was a silly malfunction with the dyno that set things back about an hour or I probably wouldve gotten all the passes. A freakin dove feather found its way in between the motion sensor? on the dyno drum. Once located and cleaned things were back in business.
I was focused on pics and vid so I didnt get a chance to BS around with anybody so any HPSers who came out you still remain a mystery to me as I may still be to you as well.
I didnt bother to take pics of the cars on dyno since theyre in the video. Pics of all cars graphs will be in the vid. Some cars pictured were just of spectators.
Houston, we have a problem. It didnt occur to me to get a pic of the offending feather: