I'd like something like this... Maybe slap a Boss intake and some longtubes on it...
I'd like something like this... Maybe slap a Boss intake and some longtubes on it...
2012 GT500 543/533 11.7@120
1995 5.0 minute or two per lap
And with no hood grill.
Last edited by Wades GT; 09-18-11 at 05:41 PM.
Love that look!
"The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"
I hope theyve included a taillight lens customizer so I can rid my creations of those abominable "twin reverse" lenses.
Sort of fun to do but you can't order all of the options they provide you to build. I'd like to be able to order the one I saved but no way to do that.
Real friends don't let friends race Camaros
I like it!
"The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"