So what is the status on Shane's Orange Cobra? I know it has been there a long time.
ive been ready! and also have another buddie with a full built whippled cobra ready for devin to tune so let me know when we can get this done
Good to hear that you are coming back to phx. Hopefully everything works out for the two of you. And I am sure that he will be tuning my beater.
No............This has not happened to William before!
This time when it comes out of the shop, it will be done correctly and won't blow up!
It has not been with PSR for two years. His build was a long term build from the very beginning. He didn't have the money to do it all at once. We had to wait on money throughout the entire build.........from the initial diag to each part purchase and labor milestone.
Not many shops would take a build like this, but I knew of his car since he first deviated from stock...............the last time it ran well and reliable. His ordeal with the past shops over the past 4-5 years before I went and picked up his car in Cali, was the reason I went to bat for him and persuaded the boss to take on this build.
Maybe you should know a bit more before making statements like above.
TorchRed 2003 MACH1 (Louise)
"I remember my fallen brothers so that they may live on."
Don't get your panties in a bunch Bill. I was just stating that 2 shops that had the car in their possession have closed closed and changed their name afterwards and PSI closed. That is a fact. You ASSUMED that I said the car was in your shop 2 years...not true, I meant in between 2 shops in 2 years. Although, it has been in shop...what...a year and a half? The rest is what you assumed.
My point of this thread was I feel for Shane. I have known Shane for years, a lot longer than you, and I know exactly what this car has been through, in the shops previous to PSI and at PSI.
Last edited by Marc; 10-08-11 at 10:38 AM.