MMR GT 500 Modular Mustang goes 6.99 @ 205
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MMR GT 500 Modular Mustang goes 6.99 @ 205 (0 min 27 sec)
Uploaded on 03-21-11 at 11:08 PM by BurnTire
Drag Racing - YouTube

This is the first pass in history of a Modular Powered Mustang in the Outlaw class running in the sixes! This represents the world record for the fastest full body modular, Fastest ladder bar equipped car, fastest pass on a 29x10.5w and the worlds fastest GT500

Tags: crazy, mmr, modular, mustang, pass, psca, racing, record, turbo, world

MMR GT 500 Modular Mustang goes 6.99 @ 205
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