Prep For Performance - Tech

Build Your Mustang To Deliver Performance, Reliability, And SafetyWe see it all the time-Mustangs that aren't safe, nor road-ready, because not enough thought went into their execution. This includes V-8 conversions with wimpy six-cylinder rear axles, 500hp small-blocks with manual drum brakes and 5/16-inch fuel line, mega-horsepower rides with less than adequate steering and suspension systems, and clogged two-row core radiators that cause chronic overheating in new engines. We've also seen high-amp subwoofer sound systems, power windows, video systems, climate control, discharge headlights, and more installed in Mustangs with 45-amp Autolite alternators and Group 24 batteries where owners wonder why their lights are dim. There are also canyon-carving rocket ships with little more than lap belts for safety equipment.

Photo Gallery: Mustang Performance Preparation - Mustang Monthly Magazine

Photo Gallery: Mustang Performance Preparation - Mustang Monthly Magazine

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