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Thread: Super ford show

  1. #41
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Pittsburgh, PA
    The car scene in Phoenix is dead. This site is much slower than it was years ago.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
    Burning Corn
    9.97 - 135.5

  2. #42
    Senior Member svtrichie's Avatar
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    Phoenix, Arizona
    I would have loved to be there with my beat up fox but had other plans. Boy how life changes with a 18 month old. But today was a huge step, put the child seat in the vert and went for a ride for the first time with the little guy.

  3. #43
    Super Moderator 4Jenna's Avatar
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    Sorry I missed it fellas, I had every intent on being there. I had to setup a JENNABEARS booth at Speedworld at 7am, after the wife got there and I was ready to head out (her working the booth while I was at the Wild West Show) I was lucky enough to be blocked in. My truck and trailer was STUCK thanks to some considerate peoples parking jobs.
    After a few hours of calling over the intercom, and about ready to pull my hair out I gave up. How nice of people.

    I then tried to race my car, and was denied there aswell. HAHA what a day.

    Sorry fellas, I was honestly pretty bummed about it!

    I know the feeling though, seems like getting people to come to a show is like pulling teeth. I go thru this every year. Then on top of that I get people not coming to my shows because I missed theirs, I try my best though so I press on!
    JENNABEARS Foundation

  4. #44
    Senior Member 05mustangman's Avatar
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    Surprise, AZ
    Pull your hair out? LOL. There aint much there!!! LOL! But hey it was great seeing you today at the Sands show. Had a great time chattin with you and your son. He's a crackup! And such polite manners for such a young kid.

    2010 GT500 - Modded out the Wazoo. Tuned by Shelby American Motorsports. Las Vegas, NV.
    2003 Ford Lightning- Airaid intake, Bassani exhaust, Lakewood torsion bar, 2" drop shackels and a few more mods.

  5. #45
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Pittsburgh, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by 4Jenna View Post
    Then on top of that I get people not coming to my shows because I missed theirs, I try my best though so I press on!
    Boy that is a sorry excuse if I ever heard one.

  6. #46
    Member Mystic544's Avatar
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    Peoria, AZ
    My 1st time to this show...thought the quality of the cars that did show up was very top notch!
    As always, lots of Mustangs - but great to see some other classic Fords! And cool that the speed shop was there, because of that I found a local place to get a few needed parts!
    As to a thought on lower turn out - I did notice A Lot of other options going on around Phoenix the same day. Being new to AZ I do have a question here - why is everything scheduled on Sat? Weekend has Fri evening and all day Sun in it too? Drives me NuTz that i have to choose to just hit one or maybe two events if I am lucky on Sat, but then have nothing to do on Fri night or Sun :(
    $'s has to be an issue too - With gas prices so high, I understand staying "local" and it seems like every show wants to charge for one reason or another (even though there are plenty of vendors there along with sponcers & radio stations...)

    Anyway - very cool & well organized event, have always thought the idea of actually having classes park together is a great idea. Easier to see some differences in the cars plus kind of creates a cool timeline :D Great job guys - once I get settled more and get the d*mn Cobra fixed I will be a much more active member of the car hobby in AZ!
    1996 Mystic Cobra #544

    2003 PitchBlack SVT Focus

  7. #47
    Member tsuckley's Avatar
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    el mirage
    im sorry i missed this.. i had been looking forward to it for a while.. but a migraine doesnt care about what plans you have made..

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