1971 Ford Mustang 429 CJ - Mystery Coupe

All Rick Parker Knows About His Grabber Blue 1971 429 CJ Is That It Was Built As A Ford Test CarAnytime a big-block coupe surfaces, we rush to Kevin Marti's Mustang . . . by the Numbers book for production figures. Rick Parker's Grabber Blue '71 coupe was especially interesting to us because original paperwork reveals that this car went to Ford Motor Company as a test vehicle. With an early build date of September 8, 1970, the 429 Cobra Jet coupe wasn't sold to the public until February 9, 1972. That's about a year and five months after the build date, and we have to wonder what Ford did with the car during that time.

Photo Gallery: 1971 Ford Mustang 429 CJ - Mystery Coupe - Mustang Monthly Magazine

Photo Gallery: 1971 Ford Mustang 429 CJ - Mystery Coupe - Mustang Monthly Magazine

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