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Thread: 2003 cobra motor install into 1999 cobra

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    2003 cobra motor install into 1999 cobra

    I am trying to find out what I need to do with wiring , computer and fuel system to install a 2003 cobra motor in a 1999 cobra . I have all the wiring out of the 03 cobra but don't want to change if not needed.

  2. #2
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    I assume you have the computer from the 2003 also?
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
    Burning Corn
    9.97 - 135.5

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Yes I have the 2003 computer and the 1999 computer, and all the 2003 wiring for car and motor. I also put in the Fore double gt 40 fuel pump system on my stock gas tank.

  4. #4
    Senior Member BUSTED's Avatar
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    A couple things just off the top of my head:
    03/04 Cobra main engine harness & computer
    Drop out fuel tank assembly w/ dual pumps and fuel pump driver module.
    03/04 Cobra fuel pump wiring harness

    My personal opinion would be to locate a donor car just so you can see how it all works and how all the parts will need to go into your 99'.

    More info though please. You may have big mods and can go aftermarket on the fuel system hat/pumps/fpdm(s) ect.

    If you cant find a tank Ford Racing sells them still PN- M-9002-C46A but for all I know you could be going to a fuel cell with a return style fuel system. So when you can, just let us know what your planning on doing with the car and i'm sure the we can all help direct you! Good Luck!

  5. #5
    Senior Member BUSTED's Avatar
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    Looks like i was so slow in my response you had already replied with some new info!

    Ok so you have a Ford gt dual pump set up in your 99 tank in some custom fashion it sounds like. Were you planning on running them with an aftermarket FPDM like Zone 5's? (you may have to search the boards for this I hear they are no longer in business). Or do you have the fuel pump drive module taken care of already?

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    I have already added a dual fuel pump kit from Fore with the factory Ford wiring harness. My son has a 2003 Cobra to look at but still wondering about the wiring? I was told I could use the underhood harness and the dash harness from the 99 but not sure ?

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Sorry I was slow this time, I have a factory Ford wiring set up and driver module just not sure about wiring computer and getting the ignition key to work with the 03 computer? My 99 wiring doesn't have a boost guage provision but I have a aftermarket boost guage so that is ok if the rest will work.

  8. #8
    Senior Member BUSTED's Avatar
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    Ok as far as the underdash will go the mustangs are all the same. So you are good there. The main engine harness will need to be swapped to an 03/04 Cobra harness if you started with a GT. I'm not 100% sure on the 99' cobra but my guess would be it will require the change over to the 03/04 also.

    I assume you changed the FPDM when you changed the factory Ford fuel tank harness? Even the 03/04 cobra FPMD will eventually give up running the twin GT pumps. Most upgrade to the dual fpdm setup.

  9. #9
    Senior Member BUSTED's Avatar
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    The 03 computer should plug in under the dash (in the kick panel) on the passenger side. You will likely have to bypass the PATS system to get your key to work with the new computer. But that is something that others have been able to do on these types of swaps by themselves also. I'm sorry I won't be able to help you on the wiring colors though because I have not had to go threw that.

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    If I take it to the local Ford dealer can they fix the key/ computer problem?

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