Thanks, what really impresses me is that Bruce is moving all the wiring away from the heat. I was amazed at how much of the OEM stuff was near headers etc.
Thanks, what really impresses me is that Bruce is moving all the wiring away from the heat. I was amazed at how much of the OEM stuff was near headers etc.
Idle time costs me money. Painted my custom valve covers to match the Whipple. So now I have two different kinds of covers.
Tried the painted GM Performance Valve Covers on today. Agreed the letters need to be touched up, my first reall attempt at stenciling and there is some residual Masking tape painted red still sticking to them but I think the effect goes well with the Whipple.
Valve Covers 640
Today we finished the Battery Mounting. Bruce loomed off and shrink wrapped all the wires. He really did a fabulous job of pulliung together my accessories and adding the relays to help protect them. I think it is going to function very well.
Getting closer, this is the real belt and it is tensioned. Need to finish up the plumbing now.
Began mocking up the fan today. Belt and tensioner are in and installed. Its a matter of hooking up the fan, plumbing the cooling system, hooking the evac system up and the crankcase ventilation.
How long until the first fireup?
2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
Burning Corn
9.97 - 135.5
I had sincerely hoped tomorrow, still some loose ends though. As long as this has taken I get discouraged sometimes. To be honest firing it up in 115 degree heat in the shop isn't even exciting. I sincerely hope to have it running by the middle of next month though that might be aggressive.
Damned good week this week. Only thing between us and some Dyno time is wiring and installing the fans and radiator, then hooking the cooling system up to it. Here is the plumbing hooked up except for the radiator and the rear mounted heat exchanger. We will probably work on the hoses to clean them, up but I am very pleased with the setup as is.
Finished the fuel pump rewiring today.
In Progress
Wiring it up
Before the loom
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