Hi Folks, just thought I'd share a few thoughts on the subject. I own Infinite Detail, a detailing outfit specializing in paint correction and show car preparation and maintenance. Here's a few tips for you black car owners:

1. Use only high quality, name brand microfiber towels on your paint. Dedicate towels to paint ONLY - no wheels, glass, engine, etc for those towels.

2. Do not use heat to dry Microfiber towels! The fibers become rigid and can scratch. Air dry only. No fabric softener either!

3. If your car is dusty, wash it instead of using a quick detailer. Quality microfiber towels won't scratch your paint, but dust will! Washing is the safest way to remove dust or dirt.

4. We do not recommend a california duster. You are dragging scratchy dust particles across your paint and you will scratch it.

5. The proper way to remove *light* dust with quick detailer is to (a) evenly mist the dusty panel or area with QUick Detailer, (b) lightly prime 1 surface of your high quality MF towel with QD, then very lightly remove the QD from the panel you just sprayed. Then, flip to the dry side of the towel and do a very light final wipe. Wipe as lightly as possible!

Follow these steps and your black paint will look great for much longer between polishes.

Good luck!