BREAKING NEWS........Police have found more evidence in this case and are now calling it "FOWL PLAY". Forensic evidence found in the Mustang, bird droppings, a half eaten Twinkie and a Rainbow Sombrero initiated action by police. A team of Tracker ****roaches has been deployed south on 75th Ave in search of the perps and there may be a bakery connection here. Also, because of the south bound trail and the Rainbow Sombrero there may be illegals heading for the border or mostlikely to a pink house. Sheriff Joe is now onboard because of the illegal implications and says if there here he will "git um". Police have a "S.P.A.N.K. Team" on stand-by incase of a hostage situation and Rick Rommley is on stand-by incase of a pissing contest. When more info comes availible you will see it here.......End of BREAKING NEWS.