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Thread: What a Terrible night.

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  1. #1
    Senior Member Mr. Austin's Avatar
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    Apr 2008

    What a Terrible night.

    Long story short My throttle return spring broke and when my foot fell to the floor for a split second after it broke the car was stuck at down shifted in the rain and I lost control of it and fishtailed all over the road. I finally shut it down and as i came back around from fishtailing to the right i hit my brakes in turn understeering my car and spun it into a full 180 and up over a curb. Car is fine; I am fine. No one was hurt I was just shaken up and proud i kept it under control as good as I did. I pulled the linkage back to idle position after a small tug and idled it into a neighbor hood. Jimmy rigged the spring back on a eased it home. I drove it to work today and she is straight and no wheel hop at highway speed.
    Last edited by Mr. Austin; 07-31-10 at 04:57 PM. Reason: Confusing.

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