So on Sat, May 15, I was awakened by a constant "car rumbling". Not quite loud enough or persistent enough to pi55 me off and cause me to investigate, but enough to make me wonder what was going on and what was making the noise. Part of the reason I blew it off is that the neighbor had had a couple of cool cars parked for a couple of days a few weeks before and eventually loaded them on a trailer, so I figured he was just jerking around with some new cars or something.

Anyway, I finally got up to start my day after falling back asleep. With the same excitement as a kid who wakes up on Christmas Day to see an unexpected blanket of freshly fallen snow, I saw this sight out my patio door:

While I was excited, shocked and surprised, I was also disappointed as I had no clue a car show was scheduled and thus was not ready nor able to participate. I was also surprised the golf course allowed cars on the lawns.

So, I scrambled to dress and get my gear. Not a bad show, a few cars that werent part of the oft repeated usual suspects I always see. Definitely hope it happens again next year so I can be in it. I want to take pics of my car with my house in the background.

From the roof:
