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Thread: Brake job.

  1. #1
    Senior Member Mr. Austin's Avatar
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    Apr 2008

    Brake job.

    Doing brake job on the 69. I have done it once before but it was cheap stuff. I have ordered Carbon Metallic Rotors in the front and am looking into pads. Issue i am having is at work the only pads we sell for the 69 is organic 13 buck pads. Not going to work for me. Looking for Ceramic pads. Advise on where to buy?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Blackmagic1's Avatar
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    Check Hawk Pads or Hawk Performance. lots of write-ups on them(Good Ones)

  3. #3
    Senior Member Mr. Austin's Avatar
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    Apr 2008
    Do you know what the best pads would be to go with on a Carbon Metallic Rotor?

  4. #4
    Senior Member Mr. Austin's Avatar
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    I called Hawk and they dont make it for my car. They didnt even know mine had rotors in the front. Nice try though, i too have heard good things about them.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Mr. Austin's Avatar
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    There are quite a few looks at this post so as an update:
    I Purchased Bendix Racing series Ceramic pads. When I talked to them over the phone they said it is about a week ad a half out since they need to manufacture the pad. Then priority mail to my door. As for the rotors they are made out of carbon steel with better chamfered ares for better heat dissipation. For those that don't know the rotor's on a 1969 Mustang Specifically being the Grande's, Boss, and mach's came stock with front disk. These rotor's come as a full Hub unit with studs, bearings, and seals already mounted in the assembly. Getting read for our July 4th trip up north so i figured this would be a great time to see what the differences are in quality and dissipation. Last years results ended with the brakes smelling a little burnt and glazed. Will update upon arrival. Would appreciate any input and pointers along the way as well!

  6. #6
    Senior Member Mr. Austin's Avatar
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    Sorry it took so long to Finish this project up. I have been driving on my job for about 3 weeks and i must say it was a huge performance increase in brake terms. Run cooler, quieter, NO dust so far and i have no cleaned the inside of my solid centerlines. here is some photo's of my project and my progress along the way.

    The first two are before I started on the brakes.
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    Bit dirty but not too shabby
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    My layout of new hardware and all the goodies I could get for the stock brakes.
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    Before putting them on.
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    I decided It would be best to take the calipers off the car and clean them off as well as check tho boots. they are $30 bucks at checkers so if they needed to be replaced it was a time to do it. In this case mine were swell so with a bowl of brake cleaner and my sisters tooth, i mean a metal brush i cleaned them off and decided to paint them with the pint of red brake paint i had on the shelf. Photo's are when they came out of the convection oven. Put in for ten minutes to heat and make the surface tackier as well has help seal the paint to the surface.
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    Put in for ten minutes to heat and make the surface tackier as well has help seal the paint to the surface. was not afraid to ruin the pain since why wheels cover the brakes but i would recommend this to anyone because it was much easier to work with when putting them back on the car.
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    Final results with the all the gear installed.
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    Not only do they look great when the tire shop takes them off butt they work 10x better than original and than what the organic pads would have done.
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    For anyone with this project. I would Highly recommend talking to the professional people at checkers about any questions you have, we searches for 30 minutes trying to find the right bearings (National bearings are A-2 [Inner] and A-6 [Outer] 69's (especially Grande Edition Mustangs) have some goofy stuff done and the brakes is one area they let loose with ideas.

  7. #7
    Junior Member jkracing's Avatar
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    Boston Ma
    Nice job man, I remember swapping my 4 wheel drum brake set up for a SSBC front disc set up and it gave me much more confidence to "accelerate" knowing I could stop in time!

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