I will reply with this...While it is true that everyone has an "right to an opinion", there are some things that should never be said on this board. If we hold to a "right to an opinion" on this board, then my cyber-self would had been shown the door out of this place a long time ago by the administrator. I don't know for sure if the intent was some, or most, or all "old school guys" being "pain in the asses." The way it is written I understand it to be all and I don't appreciate being placed into a defamatory categorization. Lets try not to demean any class of car or truck enthusiasts...we are in this together and considering the conditions of this day and the circumstances of the future, we better stand together.
Oh wow I'm sorry that you took that wrong or I hurt your feelings. But yes we are here for the same reason, but some people are just stupid and wont be tolerated by me. For example stupid people that think they know everything, old crabby guys that think they are the only ones that should show because they have an old car and bought it that way, and dumbass honda kids. Either way I'm out to have fun and hangout, and talk cars with everyone no matter the car or year if its a nice ride I love it. So if those guys with their cars don't want the newer Mustangs there then you guys should go somewhere else for a bit and leave the show up to the what 10 or so of them to put on.