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Thread: Republicans

  1. #11
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    I have to think back to Micro and Macro Econ that I dumped from my Brain.

    There are several types of unemployment. So to make a statement that unemployment is down serves no purpose without a more detailed look into the real employment forces.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
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  2. #12
    Senior Member 50 BMG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BurnTire View Post
    I like the fact that I am making 30% less than I was in 2001.
    Bin Laden/Corporate

    Quote Originally Posted by BurnTire View Post
    I like the fact that Bush is not pro labor.
    (his excuse) Bin Laden...

    Quote Originally Posted by BurnTire View Post
    I like the fact that health care cost are getting higher.

    Quote Originally Posted by BurnTire View Post
    I like the fact my pension has been stolen.

    Quote Originally Posted by BurnTire View Post
    The way things are going there will be no social security when I am 65.
    Gov't spending coupled with a poor socialist styled plan.

    Quote Originally Posted by BurnTire View Post
    Lets amend the constitution to allow Bush to serve 4 more years. He is doing such a good job.
    Constitution ain't the problem. The moral fiber of the country and the actions theirin are. This country has been screwed up since ~1950; definetly by the time Eisenhower left office.

    Financially, the US isn't hard to fix.

    Just like a recipe, follow in order.

    Step 1: Get a F*cking handle on government spending. Like pronto...taxes and debt don't even matter.

    Step 2: Stop taxing people on their income (one of the stupidest ideas in history) + annually taxing them on what they should (but never do) rightly own outright. Start taxing people only upon what they spend.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by HIKER View Post long as a new Walmart keeps opening up every week and people make $7hr, it will keep unemployement down and people happy.
    Fine by me. In the last 15 years WM has kept US inflation down by 1%

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jacostang View Post
    What is "Normal" Lowest un-employment rate, lowest interest rates since Carter!
    Un-employment rates are so 25 years ago. This country will do nothing but continue to lose jobs to other nations because we are currently economically efficient in speciality sectors only.

    The anomaly of course is farming, as the US has a big share of the prime farming land in the world. Too bad the governemnt has to subsidize it efficiency?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jacostang View Post
    I don't know how people afforded to buy a house when the interst rate was 20%!!!
    So if the interest rate was 20%, imagine the inflation rate...

    How did people afford to live PERIOD? Why even save money?

  5. #15
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BurnTire View Post
    I like the fact that I am making 30% less than I was in 2001. I like the fact that Bush is not pro labor. I like the fact that health care cost are getting higher. I like the fact my pension has been stolen. The way things are going there will be no social security when I am 65.
    Lets amend the constitution to allow Bush to serve 4 more years. He is doing such a good job.

    Well I can say that I am a Union Officer and I am making more than I was in 2001, alot more about 26.5% and the fact that illegal imigrants get social security benefits, free health care and many don't pay a dime into the system of SSI is one of the major problems that no one has deceided to do anything about!!! That is the number one reason health care is so expensive, I know Ive been in the EMS system for 23 years!!! Who pays when any of them get flown to level 1 Trauma Centers???? Let make socialized Health care just like Canada and pay $8 for a gallon of milk and $10 for a magazine!!!

    I am not saying Bush is great but lets take a good look at the alternative. Oh My God

    One question.... How do we compete in a market that pays American Auto workers $30 an hour and overseas they get $30 a day or week? And still keep costs down? I will never drive an import... Ever!! But why do so many people shop at Wally World or drive Kia's

  6. #16
    Senior Member HIKER's Avatar
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    Socialized Health Care in Canada is funded though there GST. A 5% extra tax paid by everyone even vactioners, which I just paid. This tax is not paid on large purchases such as cars or homes.
    So you do the math.. How much do you spend a month on health care and how much do you spend a month on everything else? I would bet most people pay more for health insurance by far.
    Say you spend $300/mo for your family which in very common, my neighbor pays $650/mo herself(self employement ins sucks). That's $6000 a month you'd have to spend on livable necessites to break even. Unless you make $150K a year which I doubt anyone in this forum does, the GST would be a benefit.

    I have no problem with taxes as long as the funds go where needed.

    Everyone wants taxes cut cut cut... then they're the first to cry when there kids programs are cut at school, or public services are cut.

    Some of the states with the highest taxes also have the highest paid state employees. Good teachers go where the money is. You can teach in AZ for $28K a year or go to NY and make $65K a year with full pension.

    If this country was nothing but Walmarts on every corner, there would be nothing but mobile home parks in between....

    Fine by me. In the last 15 years WM has kept US inflation down by 1%
    At what cost? You pay for it through state taxes paid to foot the bills of Wallie Mart employees that are underinsured by the richest company in the world. Something's wrong with this picture.

  7. #17
    Senior Member HIKER's Avatar
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    What is a Union Officer????

  8. #18
    Senior Member HIKER's Avatar
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    You can't compare anyone til they've had experiance.

    We can say all we want about Bush...his track record speaks for itself, but unless someone else has been in his shoes you can't dis them.

    I highly doubt anyone can do worse........

  9. #19
    Senior Member HIKER's Avatar
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    This thread might be better off locked before it gets really dirty in here...

  10. #20
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HIKER View Post
    What is a Union Officer????
    I am a Vice President of IAFF Local here in Az and I do understand the facts about health care and you can't tell me that Canada has the same problem as we with illegals

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