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Thread: when it rains it poors

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    when it rains it poors

    Well what I have feared most has now come true. After 3 weeks of working all day then staying until 3-4am every morning then returning to work at 9am and having the expense of rushing to get a enclosed trailer to make this trip (to the Storman Norman event) we have suffered a catastrophic loss. We fired the motor up Saturday morning and it sounded great so we went home. Later on that day we ran the motor once again to allow it to reach to operating tempter and then we heard it…….. A light faint Knock! The warmer the motor was the louder it became we acted quickly and found out that it was from the top end. Yes it is something from inside the valve cover it was something in the head that is making noise. Un fortunately in order to pull the intake you must take the front of the motor apart and if you add the time to pull the front apart and then the intake just to inspect what the noise is from will take so much time that we regrettably will not be able to make the trip, our window of time has now passed. So after caging the car working 20 hours a day for 3 weeks and driving to the end of the earth to get the proper trailer, and all the BS money that I have spent to make this happen it will regrettably not happen. So cross you fingers that I can get it apart and make the club day. I’m so pissed that I kicked the jack and now have broken my foot to boot! Anyone have suggestions?? I’m at a loss of words here

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    I am really sorry to hear about the headaches. I have been there myself. My best advice is probably what you are already doing. Tear the top-end down and look for problems. It's only BS money if you push it and really tear something up. Good luck.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Venomous Bite's Avatar
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    to cool to put it down
    That sucks man. I know what it is like to work really hard on something just to have it go to shit.

  4. #4
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan View Post
    . I’m so pissed that I kicked the jack and now have broken my foot to boot! Anyone have suggestions?? I’m at a loss of words here
    That stinks. There are tons of races to go to in the future. Just get it fixed and move on. I prefer to throwing tools over kicking stuff.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
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  5. #5
    Super Moderator Gene's Avatar
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    Look at the bright side Dan, you have a bad ass car thats ready for 9's. There will always be more events to go to. FFW is right around the corner as well as our track day. Which head is it? Have you tried pulling the valve covers to inspect? I know it sucks, but your hard work will not go to waste. I'd lend a hanf, but you have a lot more experienced people over there than myself. Keep us posted, I bet its a rocker. Gene

  6. #6
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    Gene it is the passengers side and it also has CPR ruel rails so the whole intake needs to come off with the blower oh well Im sure i will have to take both sides off

  7. #7
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    this seriously sucks man. i completely feel your pain....

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  8. #8
    Senior Member Lucafu1's Avatar
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    sounds like a piston skirt.

  9. #9
    Senior Member 50 BMG's Avatar
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    What to do?

    After you fix w/e the problem with the engine the black car as you have planned. Get the silver car back out on the streets (in street condition) where it always was so you can promote your business with a shop car.

    In a nutshell: going back to what the original plan was.

  10. #10
    Super Moderator Gene's Avatar
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    is thew noise coming from his original engine in the silver 04?

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