This was in TX we need to ring the phones off the hook at that school.
Yesterday, a listener’s son was offended that his school, Klein Collins High School, display the Mexican flag prominently. His mother called to complain, and the school wouldn’t return her call. The student took the sign down.
The school pitched a fit, reviewed the surveillance tapes, found the student, and suspended him for 3 days. AND he has to pay for the flag. In light of the SF story of students sent home for wearing the AMERICAN flag because it offended the Hispanic students, I thought you’d like to know about a story closer to home.
Right here in our community. Feel free to let the school know what you think. You pay their salaries.
Klein Collins High School (832) 484.5500. Assistant Principal handling the case: Mr. Shelly Dick. Seriously.
Call Mr. Dick and let him have it. The Superintendent is Jim Cain.