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Thread: Immigration law signed

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  1. #1
    Senior Member fazm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FalconGTHO View Post
    Lol, wholly crap, were you on the way to the militia meeting?

    nope we were camping, and having fun (obviously)
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  2. #2
    Senior Member ChuckD's Avatar
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    My CCW came from the 2nd Amendment A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
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  3. #3
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    In PA there was no stupid class. Just go get your permit.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Rick Shopmier's Avatar
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    No law would be better if there was no reason for it, we have enough laws. But, when there is a problem then it is necessary to make laws. It is obvious that the Washington gang is more interested in socializing this country than protecting it. I think this law is a challenge to the the feds to get their act together. I also feel no law is worth anything unless it well be enforced, our law enforcement community is already trained to be sensitive to racial issues and will not abuse their power, if you are doing something you shouldn't be I think it only fair to be asked your legal status. We all want to feel safe and we all know that the illegals are a major problem...we are now dealing with it....Obama wake up. If the Washington challenges this law it will show that the illegals have more rights than legals....we are screwed. Remember November is not far away......time to "DUMP THE BUMS".


  5. #5
    Member azspeed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Shopmier View Post
    No law would be better if there was no reason for it, we have enough laws. But, when there is a problem then it is necessary to make laws. It is obvious that the Washington gang is more interested in socializing this country than protecting it. I think this law is a challenge to the the feds to get their act together. I also feel no law is worth anything unless it well be enforced, our law enforcement community is already trained to be sensitive to racial issues and will not abuse their power, if you are doing something you shouldn't be I think it only fair to be asked your legal status. We all want to feel safe and we all know that the illegals are a major problem...we are now dealing with it....Obama wake up. If the Washington challenges this law it will show that the illegals have more rights than legals....we are screwed. Remember November is not far away......time to "DUMP THE BUMS".
    While I agree with you Rick, you missed the big one ...Obama and Washington have a larger agenda than rights and socialism. November is right around the corner, and it's all about power and getting re-elected. No way they offend the Hispanic voting block. All part of the the "good guys" and blame it all on the republicans.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Mr. Austin's Avatar
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    I'm for the law. Had a few police officers from peoria walk into my store yesterday and i asked them what they thought. One was telling me the mayor of phoenix doesn't like it and that she is not going to enforce it. But their mayor (boss) of Peoria is happy to enforce it as well as scottsdale. Few of my buddies are scottsdale police and thats what they have told me about their mayor.

  7. #7
    Senior Member ASUSMC's Avatar
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    Little POV on this topic

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  8. #8
    Senior Member 03cobrazzz's Avatar
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    we sold the wall to you guys here. put it back up. but you must secure the wall and shoot the guys coming over too. it only takes acuple of icidents and none of the bordercrossers wants to die .but as long as the mexican army can invade into arizona and shoot at our borderpatrolagents to get the shipments from the cartells through and we dont shoot back. nothing will change. texas tried the last years and now its our turn i would go down to the border and help when we lock the border down. will it happen?its the law to carry id with you all the time so its not a big deal when you need to show it .who ever is here illegal, get legal or go home thats why we have workvisas and studentvisas do it the right way or stay home. i did it and so can everyone else.
    Last edited by 03cobrazzz; 05-06-10 at 05:30 PM.

  9. #9
    Senior Member GasMan's Avatar
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    My soph year in 1986 i stood up in class and disputed the facts about what really happen with slavery and i was kicked out of class so I will not say how i really feel about those who want to twist the truth about this law for fear that I might be removed from this thread so I will just say....ZONATION for mayor!!!!! Vote for ZONATION!!!!

    2003 MACH 1

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Fricken 100 thousand thumbs up on this one ASUSMC, Thanks for sharing :)

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