I would agree with you on that, I think LEO's will be extra careful. And until there are some serious repercussions on illegal's, they have no reason for not trying to cross.
I would agree with you on that, I think LEO's will be extra careful. And until there are some serious repercussions on illegal's, they have no reason for not trying to cross.
Chris B.
2000 ROUSH Stage 2, 1969 Mach 1
Copperstate Mustang Club! Come join the Fun!! www.copperstatemustangclub.com
They're gonna have to be. All it takes is one person to lie and that officer could be out of a job. I bet cops aren't too happy with this position they are being put in but someone has to do it! Why not the people that are already enforcing the other laws?
I like this bill
Let me weigh in on this with my first post. The pundits and complainers of the new illegal alien law have no idea that there is still a matter of "Probable Cause". Police cannot simply approach someone and ask for papers. They similarly cannot stop someone in a car because they might be illegal. They cannot even ask for papers if the person is stopped for a traffic issue and APPEARS to be not-of-USA-citizenship; it takes more Probable Cause than even that. BTW, how has ICE been able to find out about illegals without asking them for papers? They've been doing it since the inception of ICE or INS; are they racists? Like the saying goes, "If you have not broken the law, then there is nothing to worry about". Let that be a warning to the hordes of Canadians violating our borders.
the ****ed up law is the one that any knuckle head can carry concealed.. what was so wrong going to that 8 hour class?
I just figured the CCW was (maybe weak) but a filter to not let any crazy/dirtbag/etc.. carry concealed.. and from the cops I've talked to, it gave them a bit more sense of you/me being a normal person since you passed the background check... the two times I've been pulled over and they asked for a weapon, after i showed them the CCW they didn't even ask to see the weapon... on a funny side, IWe got busted once street racing...the cop was cool..he asked if we had any weapons I said just a bazoka... bazoka bass tube that is.. lol.. he did laugh..
ccw goes pretty far, id still get one if you plan on carrying.
we got pulled over for running a red light and speeding up by heber. had an ar-15, xd9, ruger 22, desert eagle, and 12 gauge all in the car (only the xd9 and desert eagle were hidden). showed the ccw and got off with a warning
2005 v6 redfire mustang. yup its slow.
12.03 @ 118.5 best et
12.11 @ 122.0 best mph